
Through the years, I have collected what I call ‘sound bites’ from my reading for use in my preaching. These are salient quotes from the books and magazine/internet articles I have read and sermons/lectures I have heard. Some may read the same books and appreciate things I have not quoted. I include these quotes because at that particular time in my life and ministry, the quote impacted my thought process in some way. Failure to use other quotes is in no way a reflection on the quality of what was said or my own ignorance.

Including quotes on this website does not mean that I completely endorse that person’s theology and/or personal lifestyle. ‘Nuf said.

I have attempted to track the quotes to their original sources. To that end, I have included limited bibliographic material when available. Sometimes, only the author/speaker is listed. If you know where I can find the quote, please feel free to make a comment on the post to cite the source of the information.

I have gathered these quotes from many different sources. Some of those sources have been other quotation-centered websites. When I originally copied those quotes, I did not make note of the website. My inclusion of those quotes without due respect to the website administrators is regrettable on my part, and I beg the pardon of those individuals. Going forward, I will include trackback links to the website sources.