Eternal Salvation

Men who can drop their faith in the day of real emergency have never been really held by it. That is surely true; men who can drop their faith like a handkerchief have never known their faith as a strong and vital defense. . . . If our faith has ever meant anything vital, it will be as difficult to drop it as to drop our skin.

Alexander Maclaren (1826-1910) on 1 Corinthians 16.13

Never Be Thirsty Again

Christians must long to draw closer to God. If we are quenching our thirst at forbidden fountains, we have no reason to expect God to be satisfying. If we are not nourished by the bread from heaven, we will satiate ourselves with crumbs from the world. Once we have become addicted to the world’s nourishment, our appetite for God is spoiled.

Erwin Lutzer, Pastor to Pastor (Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1998), 82.